Friday, November 23, 2007

5 Random weird things about me

Hoo-kay, I have been tagged by both Jac and Lynn to do this random list of quirks about me.

The rules are as follow:-

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names & links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here comes the list. Hmmmm...

1) My windows are always wide open in winter and I only close them when the snow starts getting in. ^_^ I love the cold too much. I eat ice-cream when it is cold out. Especially when it snows. Whenever I buy ice-cream during winter, I get stares. Oh well, it's the only time when you can slowly eat your ice-cream without it melting.

2) I have 2 large dolls. 60-ish cm tall. I love to change their eyes and hair. I spend more on their clothes than I do on mine. They are always seated on the table in my painting studio facing the door, so whenever I walk into the studio, they are there to greet me. Kowaii.. X(

3) I sometimes skip when I walk. No I don't skip all the way, just skip a beat while I walk. I don't know why.

4) I take a 2 hour bus ride to New York early in the morning just to have Dimsum and be back by noon, just because the Dimsum in Philadelphia starts at 11.30am and I want to eat Dimsum at 9 or 10. Well, I enjoy the trip anyway, so I don't really mind it. LOL

5) I am an extremely clean painter. I am the only person in my painting department, that paints large painterly paintings without having any paint on my clothes, brush handles, my hand, and the floor. I freak out if I get any paint on my clothes and I will spend the whole day scrubbing at the paint. :-) There are packets of baby wipes, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, hand soap in my painting studio.

Here are the list of people I am tagging.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

wth... got tagged =_=