Thursday, December 06, 2007

More doll paintings

My last two paintings for this semester.

Through the looking glass
38 X 70 inches
Oil on canvas

68 X 34 inches
Oil on canvas

Friday, November 23, 2007

5 Random weird things about me

Hoo-kay, I have been tagged by both Jac and Lynn to do this random list of quirks about me.

The rules are as follow:-

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names & links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here comes the list. Hmmmm...

1) My windows are always wide open in winter and I only close them when the snow starts getting in. ^_^ I love the cold too much. I eat ice-cream when it is cold out. Especially when it snows. Whenever I buy ice-cream during winter, I get stares. Oh well, it's the only time when you can slowly eat your ice-cream without it melting.

2) I have 2 large dolls. 60-ish cm tall. I love to change their eyes and hair. I spend more on their clothes than I do on mine. They are always seated on the table in my painting studio facing the door, so whenever I walk into the studio, they are there to greet me. Kowaii.. X(

3) I sometimes skip when I walk. No I don't skip all the way, just skip a beat while I walk. I don't know why.

4) I take a 2 hour bus ride to New York early in the morning just to have Dimsum and be back by noon, just because the Dimsum in Philadelphia starts at 11.30am and I want to eat Dimsum at 9 or 10. Well, I enjoy the trip anyway, so I don't really mind it. LOL

5) I am an extremely clean painter. I am the only person in my painting department, that paints large painterly paintings without having any paint on my clothes, brush handles, my hand, and the floor. I freak out if I get any paint on my clothes and I will spend the whole day scrubbing at the paint. :-) There are packets of baby wipes, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, hand soap in my painting studio.

Here are the list of people I am tagging.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Latest Art And stuffs~

Did a light installation with light and fabric that I dyed and felted.

The heart-Veiled

A Hugeeeee drawing in the hallway for open house ^^

Festival of Light. The front of my school.

This funny lady at the Festival of Light drawing a caricature of Patti and I.

Cirdan went blond and Fuyuko got some red eyes. XD


Went to New York last Tuesday and Friday.
The trip on Tuesday, my friends and I went to Chelsea to visit some Art Galleries with Charles Browning. It was fun. Patti drove us there and here we are, crammed in the car.

Fly Catcher Laura ^O^ and Patti the driver.

Patti concentrating on driving.

Jamie, Melanie and JiYoung. All smiles.

Yup, Me squeezed on the side trying to take a picture together.

This odd building as we drove into the city.

Friday, Pik Yew came to New York and I went up to meet her for a day trip. Did some tourist thing by going around tourist spots. Well, being in America for 3-4 years, I have to do that somehow.

On the Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.
Brought Pik Yew to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Posing beside Buddha. ^^

The common tourist picture.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Ownage Revisited

This is a sequel to the first ownage photo story where Toyo was being a big mischief and he got owned by Ba.

Enjoy this second part where Toyo is joined by Roro. Double the mischief ^w^

Installation art 2005

Lol, I searched myself on Google and I came across this page and I just remembered I did an installation art with a few people and the picture the Schuylkill Center used was the one I did. :) It is called "Nepenthean Rebirth". Scroll down and you will see it. I will try and find if there are any photos I can dig up to post up here

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Testing some high key photography.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


This is the most humorous painting I have ever done. HUGE painting, 62" X 42" so it is in your face meat..... It is so outwardly in your face sexual for one. It is a male I am painting...that's 2. And it is a doll. XD

Everyone's first reaction seeing this painting was to...Laugh. LOL I can't help laughing either. Such a loaded image, serious and sexual and yet. Humorous?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween, Pumpkin carving

Couple of nights ago, I decided to go to Patti's house to carve pumpkins for Halloween. ^^
Ji Young, Laura, Patti and I.

Ji Young and Patti

Laura and Ji Young

Taking my own photo. Pathetic...

Patti. LOL Pumpkin-licious

Laura's frightening expression.

Ji Young gobbling pumpkin seeds...

Our pumpkins and I. ^^ Mine is on the right.
My first pumpkin carving.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Doll Meet-up at Liberty Place, Philadelphia 21st Oct

So, I went to this doll gathering and didn't chicken out, which I normally do cause I hate going to these kinda meet ups and to socialize. But I digress... I really wanted to see other dolls in real life. Anyways, Lots of images. Here they are.

Lots of pictures but I only selected some that are really nice. Loads of pictures of other dolls that are not in here. If you want, I can just link you to photobucket if you are interested.

Updated:--the photobucket for more picts. I didn't move the pictures cause a lot of links will be broken if I do. :P So don't mind the other picts.

Cloud, Squall and someone else. :P

Squall has a very nice face.

Those are very nicely painted makeup and lips

Chibi Itachi and Gaara

Balancing a bottle on Gaara's head.

Very cute sleepy head

In your face cuteness

The wonderful Fuyuko and Cirdan of course.

Not her hat, but cute nonetheless

Not his hat either.

First time seeing a Hound doll. Larger than my Cirdan

Nice. But Squall behind is mooning everyone the whole day.

Fuyuko hugging the two chibis XD

Little angels.


I love how these turned out. Made the doll look life size.