Thursday, May 01, 2008

Doll-like - A Senior Thesis April 2008

So my show has come and gone. It was a great evening, especially the opening. Too much running around and meeting everyone and their awesome family that I even forgot to take any pictures for the night. Anyway, took some photos of my show before taking it down. The gray wall was chosen by Cassie and I. It just look very nice and warm.

Anna and I

Ji Young and I pulling at Patti's strings

Giving myself the disapproving finger.

Katie doing the ho-down next to her own portrait.

Save me from the evil clutches.

With Megalicious.


And here are the ink paintings in a better light. They are subtle and gray.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

Pull Strongly


Ghetto Forrest

Pulling Veltri

Fly Me to the Moon

Golden Arches

Malaysian Reject

Posing Pulley

Left to right: Gerry Nichols, Malaysian Reject, David Kettner and JiYoung Byon

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